破碎机 M04F4

Rain and Snow water will emiss after collected with pipe. 6.6.10 运输 Transportation 沼气站配备装载铲车清除泥砂杂物。Biogas power generation project personnel required by their jobs and the division of labor is different, divided into three egories: workers, engineering and technical personnel and management personnel. 该项目沼气站运行操作管理人员编制为 10 人, 其中工人 6 名, 工程技术人员 2 名,管理人员 2 名。具体明细 见附表 11-1、11-2、11-3。 Fecal sewage will be effectively management. The pollution of cows to farm will be treated. (2)沼气的开发利用,减少了温室气体的排放。破碎机 M04F4本工程建成后,每天将减少大量 的畜禽有机废弃物排放量, 对大丰市海丰奶牛场的环境保护有良好 作用。不会对周围环境产生不利的影响。

The development and utilization of biogas, reduces greenhouse gas emissions. (3)利用沼气发电,不但减少了有机废弃物的污染,而且减 少了用煤发同等电力所造成的污染, 具有双重的环境效益。破碎机 M04F4 only Not reduces the organic waste pollution, and reduce the use of coalLIX 青岛君航国际贸易有限公司 Qingdao Junhang International Trade Co.LtdAdd: No136Zhuhai Road, Jiaonan,China Tel 0060 Fax 8595 Email [email protected] [email protected] power caused by pollution, has the dual environmental benefits. 7.2 工程建设期对外部环境的影响 Construction to the influence of external environment 7.2.1 对周围大气的影响 The influence to air around 项目建设过程中的土建施工,对大气的主要影响为扬尘。预计每年可 回收甲烷气体 236.5 万 m3,相当于每年减少二氧化碳排放量 41488 吨。A total investment of yuan, including construction investment of equipment investment yuan, generators and power network investment yuan, other investment yuan. Yuan means RMB9.1.1 工程费用 Project fee 工程费用分为建筑工程、设备购置、发电机组及余热利用系统费用、其他四项 费用,分别为主要生产设施、辅助生产设施、公用工程、服务及生活福利设施、厂 外工程等。设备费根据设备厂家报价、项目合同及相关协议和意向确定。 Project management tasks for feasibility study, survey, design and construction of entrustment and sign the relevant contracts and agreements; for site selection; provide necessary basic data for design; or to order equipment and materials; transportation etc.. 8.2 项目运行时期的组织与管理 Organization and management ofproject operation periodthe equipment for inspection and根据大中型沼气工程规模, 沼气工程组织机构主要包括生产系 统、管理系统两部分。

One is to avoid night construction, two is responsible for the construction unit should be the preferred option for low noise of construction equipment. 7.2.3 其他方面 Others 管道施工对地形、地貌、生态环境等可能造成一定影响,需要 加强管理,按按规范和要求进行施工。使奶牛养殖对农场带来的污染得到治理。 Waste water from life and production will be collected by waste water pipe and treated at pool 站内雨水经雨水管道收集后排出场外。为防 止施工期间进出车辆携带泥土以及堆料场和废料场场地由于刮风 和下雨天气产生的扬尘和泥尘污染, 要保证对施工现场堆料场和废 料场进行覆盖,保证车辆的清洁,如在施工通道洒水、铺设塑料织 品,防止扬尘和泥尘的飞扬等。 According to each workshop facilities technology characteristics and production needs, take the continuous working system. Biogas residue, with seasonal production, according to market demand into the period of production and storage period. 8.3 劳动定员和人员培训 Employment and training of personnel 沼气发电工程所需人员按其工作岗位和劳动分工不同, 分为三 类人员:工人、工程技术人员和管理人员。破碎机 M04F4Management room and generator room will set telephone forcommuni ion第7章环境影响分析 Environmental impact analysis7.1 环境影响 Environmental impact 奶牛场沼气工程项目本身是治理养殖粪水污染的环保项目 Dairy farm biogas project itself is the management culture of fecal pollution in environmental protection projects (1) 奶牛场 10,000 头存栏奶牛每年排放约 23.6 万吨的粪污将 得到有效治理。

10,000 tle of Dairy farm biogas to power project86#isfrompipenetwork.Gassta;6.6.9排水Drainage生产、生活污水经污;LVIII; 青岛君航国际贸易有限公司QingdaoJunh;Add:No136ZhuhaiRoad,Jiao;为便于生产管理,在管理房及发电机房内设固定电话以;communi ion;第7章;环境影响分析Environmentalimpac;7.1环境影is from pipe network. Gas station water inlet pipe is connected with water supply net with DN50 Zn coated steel pipe.6.6.9 排水 Drainage 生产、 生活污水经污水管道收集后排入集水池一并处理。其噪声防治措施主要有:一是对发电设备噪声源设置消声器等 消声隔音措施; 二是结合绿化综合考虑噪声隔绝和有害气体吸收功 能 。 沼液、 沼渣采用季节型生产,根据市场的需求分为生产期和贮存期。 According to the large and medium-sized biogas engineering scale, biogas engineering organizations include theLXIII 青岛君航国际贸易有限公司 Qingdao Junhang International Trade Co.LtdAdd: No136Zhuhai Road, Jiaonan,China Tel 0060 Fax 8595 Email [email protected] [email protected] system, management system in two parts. The specific settings depends mainly on the project design and the production scale of enterprises 根据各车间设施工艺特点和生产需要, 采取连续工作制。破碎机 M04F4Gas station has loaders and trucks to transport mug, sand and so on 6.6.11 通讯 Communi ionLVIII 青岛君航国际贸易有限公司 Qingdao Junhang International Trade Co.LtdAdd: No136Zhuhai Road, Jiaonan,China Tel 0060 Fax 8595 Email [email protected] [email protected]为便于生产管理, 在管理房及发电机房内设固定电话以便生产 指挥及联络。其具体设置主要取决于项目设计方案和企业 生 产 规 模 。


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