Salut les amis, on y est ! Le nouveau site web est en ligne, on est reparti pour cette année 2013. A venir des nouveaux clips, des sketchs, et de l’actualité !

中国拳法界の秘密結社「白蓮界」(White Lotus Society)のクラスの幹部であり、少林拳の屈指の使い手。シャン・ツンやシャオ・カーンによる地球侵略計画を何度も

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Irving, Washington. 1917. Rip Van Winkle & The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Vol. X, Part 2. Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction


cut (kŭt) v. cut, cut·ting, cuts. 1. To perate with a sharp edge; strike a narrow opening in. 2. To separate into parts with or as if with a sharp-edged

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Is the word continue a pronoun? No, the word 'continue' is a verb, an action word meaning to move ahead; to In: Pronouns Answered: 21 seconds ago

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Irving, Washington. 1917. Rip Van Winkle & The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Vol. X, Part 2. Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction

順位 タイトル / 制作者 (BGA制作者) 値 平均値 1 JULIAN / Queen P.A.L.(cranky) (movie : KINTA) 1000 975.1 2 DRAGONLADY / Nankumo (movie : Cube3) 1000 …

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中国拳法界の秘密結社「白蓮界」(White Lotus Society)のクラスの幹部であり、少林拳の屈指の使い手。シャン・ツンやシャオ・カーンによる地球侵略計画を何度も

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chocolaten.巧克力;巧克力糖 choice n.选择,抉择 choke vt.使窒息;塞满 choose vt.选择,挑选;情愿 chop vt.砍,劈;切细vi.砍 n.意义,意思;意图 means n.方法 , …

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16天记住7000考研单词(天) 1. With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb. 我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动。 2. Next year the

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